I have been at home with McKay for a week now, and just now I'm realizing what a cuddly boy I have. Since I can't do much with him, I just have to let him entertain himself until I'm all healed. Luckily he does pretty well at that. About every 5 minutes, he stops what he is doing and crawls back to me to give me a big hug and kiss. He even makes a soft sigh when he hugs me. Then he goes back to what he was doing, but doesn't forget to come back and give me a hug. Its adorable and I am loving it so much! Like I said before in an earlier post, he is learning new things everyday. He now will pick up cells phones, or toy phones and put them to his ear like he is talking on it, he dances as soon as he hears music and has great rhythm I might add. He can show me where his head is if I ask him, and also his belly button. If we say " where is your button" he is starting to lift up his shirt and giggle. He usually can find his belly button and sticks his finger in it. Of course, these are all things we try to get him to do for other people but no. Kids just wont perform. Oh well, as long as me and Steve get witness it all. I am so in love with this almost 1 yr old boy!