Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Little Things

We all take things for granted. Basic things, simple things. It's normal, isn't it? You live in a routine, for the most part, and the more routine, the more dependable the thing is, the more you stop noticing it. For instance, you don't really notice each time you take a breath, do you? You expect your heart and your lungs to just work for you each day.

Routine can be good like that. It can, at its best, free up you're mind. I like routine. No, actually, I have recently come to realize that I crave routine. I crave being able to wake up at 5 am each morning, showering, picking out something to wear. making my lunch, kissing my husband goodbye, driving to work, etc. You get my point. I know it's only been 2 weeks since my surgery, but each day it leaves me lying in bed, doing nothing. I have a lot of time to think, which brings me to my post today..I take too much for granted.

Health is something that too many of us take for granted. And if we don't take it for granted we don't pay it the respect it deserves. We just assume our body will move when we command it to. We assume that and we take it for granted. Really.

I have probably another 5-6 weeks to go lying here and I hope that this experience leaves me with a thankful heart and mind. And not to take for granted my ability to walk, or run, or breathe. I'm very thankful for the body I have been given. I have my challenges but I am thankful for them. I think they make me stronger and a better person. At least I hope that's the case.

You can't live your life taking note of every single thing. But every now and again, examine your world,your life and realize how good you have it.

And just remember, like Good Charlotte sings "Little things made me who I am today."

The little things,
little things they always hang around
the little things
little things they try to break me down
the little things
little things they just wont go away
the littles things
little things made me who i am today


The Larsons said...

I totally agree! I think we do take too much for granted! I hope you are doing well! Such a good blog!

Anonymous said...

Ganted??? I'll have to look that one up in the dictionary, I'm not familiar with that word.

Rachel said...

So true! Thanks for the reminder!

Hope the next 6 weeks go by quickly. If you're a book person, I read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins awhile back and would highly recommend it! Super clean.

Anonymous said...

Hey, why did you change it? I liked ganted. It weas fun to see you last night you looked so cute in your wheelchair!

Anonymous said...

and by weas I mean was :) I better not give you a hard time about spelling when I can't do it either.

Brandon Bolander said...

I think I know very well what you mean about noticing things you took for granted, good luck in the coming weeks.