So after this blog you can all call me 'Negative Nancy.' I don't like to be a negative person. I really don't. I much prefer finding the good in things, but I'm afraid that it's not possible for me right now. So if you don't want to read any further, I understand. Just know if you do, It won't be the happiest blog today.
Since last Tuesday I have been in incredible pain. Now, I'm sure there are others out there that have been in worse, but for me this is awful. I put up with it from Tuesday last week until Friday. I called my Dr to see if she could get me in on Friday and of course, they thought it was just a pulled muscle so they told me to take some IB profun and relax. Serious? If I thought it was just a pulled muscle, why on earth would I be calling to a Dr. that I will have to pay money I don't have to go and see, if I wasn't really in that much pain. So whatever, I decided I would go to the insta care. The Insta Care worried it was my appendix and after paying that high copay they decided I needed to go to the ER.
So, Steve leaves work and comes and gets me from the insta care because, well they gave me so many pain injections that I could barely even talk. We arrive at the ER and explain whats going on. This is about 10 am on Friday. I sit in the ER in pain until 4pm yeah, they give me pain pills, but I want to know whats going on with me. At that time I was extremely sick to my stomach so the pain pills were just making that worse for me. Well, the CT scan results came back and show I have cyst on my ovaries. That's it? I have had those before, several of them and have never felt so ill, or been in so much pain. They give me a Rx for pain pills, take my 150$ copay, and send me home.
That was day 3 of pain
Day 4; Saturday. Not so much pain, I was pretty knocked out from the pain pills, and it felt good to sleep. I felt good until I actually got out of bed. Where I realized I was so sick to my stomach. Must be the pain pills I thought. So the rest of the day I just took it easy, laid down, and only took Tylenol for pain.OK so things are looking up. Great Saturday.
Day 5; Woke up for church.. felt pretty good. Not so much pain and no nausea. Perfect. I head downstairs to get some breakfast. I just ate 2 pieces of toast. Felt great and went to church. While I'm sitting in relief society I get the overwhelmng feeling I was going to throw up. Oh please, hold it in.. don't rush out in front of everyone. That's not what happened though. I ran out of the room, and of course did what I thought I was going to in the bathroom. I had Steve take me home and I laid in bed the rest of the day.
Day 6; Monday. This day I of course had to go to work. I work the early shift now and I'm the only one there when we open so I had to go. I made it the whole day feeling just sick to my stomach no pain.. until 2 pm. Then I felt worse then I had last Friday. This is awful! i don't understand what is going on. If its just a cyst then why am I not able to hold anything down. I mean anything. Not even water. Something is wrong here.
Day 7; Tuesday. I decided enough was enough. I called my Dr again and said that I needed to be seen ASAP. I cant afford the insta care or ER again so they would need to find a spot for me. They decided to check me for a twisted ovary and a tubal pregnancy. Both of those came back negative. All they saw in the Ultrasound was the same thing they have been saying all along. CYST!! I left this time with nausea medicine. I was not sure how long this sick stomach was going to last, and neither were they so I thought I should prepare for the long haul. I got home and looked at the Rx. It says its for sick stomachs BUT causes drowsiness. WHAT?P I cant take that during the day at work. I can barely work from being so sick, this sucks! I take it before bed and had a good nights rest.
Day 8; Wednesday, Today.
Well I woke up, sick and in pain again and was sad to know that I didn't have a pain pill or anything for my nausea to have during the day. I was just going to have to tough it out like every other day. I couldn't do it. I guess I'm just weak. I made it til 230 and told my boss that I had to leave. For one, I was way sick and could not even look at the computer screen with out wanting to run to the bathroom and the second reason is I have my big Pharmacy Tech test tomorrow and was stressing out and needed to study. So here I ma at home, sick, tired, in pain and really really missing my husband. I wish that I could see him more than 2 times a week, but I know his schooling is for the best right?
Well, that's it. Its my negative spiel (spelling??) I'm don't for tonight. I really hope this all goes away by this weekend. I could really use a vacation for it all.