Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby News!!

I saw this on someone else's page and thought this would be funny... and now I see that it was, and completely inaccurate. If that's not birth control for you then I dont know what is haha.

What do you think about my little new baby kATEVE? - What will your baby look like?

What do you think about my little new baby stekat? - What will your baby look like?


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys..the baby thing is a drag. Too bad it doesn't really work--that would be cool! I haven't seen the pictures that it brought up for you though--nice nice :)

One Happy Family said...

That is so funny! Good job!

Lynsie said...

I want to try this! I've always wondered what my babies will look like.

Anonymous said...

Those are so funny! They are actually really cute, but for some reason it just made me laugh (I think it was mostly the little boy that did it.)

Jenny said...

That's funny! They look cute!