Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Being a Mom is a tough job. We don't get sick days and we don't get much time to ourselves. We are never off duty. Our job is 24 ours a day, 7 days a week. It's so easy for us to put everyone elses needs first and forget about our own. Luckily, I have a great husband who is aware of how hard it is sometimes and is always willing to let me have my much needed "mommy break."
Today is one of those days. I had to wake McKay up a little bit early today to go visiting teaching. I thought it would be no big deal. He was very good until the second I got him in the car to go back home. He was screaming so hard that I thought his head was going to pop off. I got home within minutes and he let me have it. He was so mad at me that he hasn't stopped screaming all day long( and I not exageratting one bit) I finally got him to wear himself out that he went to sleep about 10 minutes ago. Maybe a nap will be just what he needed. It sure would help me.

I know everyone says that if you are upset or tense, the baby can sense that and it makes them more upset or tense. On days like today, I just can't help but cry I try to set him down and go to another room when I am upset but I can't always do that. What do you do to help calm yourself down when your baby is screaming at the TOP of their lungs and there is nothing you can do to soothe them? Any advice would be helpful.. probably would have been helpful for me earlier today because I'm about ready to run away.


Team McPherron said...

I am a firm believer in leaving the room, no matter how hard it is. You aren't making it any better for you or him if you're upset. Set him down, close the door behind you. Even go outside and sit on the porch for a minute. Take a few DEEP breaths.

Then go back in, and try again. :)

Just as a side note.. when Kapri was a baby and I couldn't get her to stop crying the ONLY thing that worked was the vacuum.. not sure if you've tried that one yet. :)

By the way, I'd like to meet that little boy some day.

Jenny said...

I usually would lay them down in a safe place and go and take a shower.... a long shower and if I could still hear crying I would sing really loud in the shower...

Melanie said...

I won't give you my advice because hitting the nearest wall only makes your hand hurt and it certainly doesn't help you feel better.

Unfortunately, that's what I do. I suggest finding something else. :)

Occasionally, I'll remember to breathe deeply. You know, in through the nose out through the mouth. Over and over and over and over... well, you get the idea. Sometimes I just want to hold my breathe and pass out, at least then I wouldn't hear the screaming.

Good luck my friend.

Melanie said...

As a side note, don't breathe in and out too quickly, that will just make you hyperventilate... and no one needs that.


Anonymous said...

This is the harsh reality of parenting nobody tell you about when you have a baby. All I can say is...This too shall pass!