Monday, May 24, 2010

It's a BOY!

After 21 weeks of suspense, we found out Friday afternoon that we're having a boy! We're stoked! Everything looked great at the ultrasound. Our baby boy is healthy and well, though he was very inactive Friday. The radiology tech thought we wouldn't be able to tell the gender because of his positioning, but the Dr. was able to poke and jab and got him to move his legs just long enough to see. Now we can finally start planning the nursery and buy something boyish. We have a few names we like, but are still deciding. Due date is October 3rd. The tech said he was measuring big enough that he could come a week early or a week later. Real helpful I know. It's probably something they tell everyone. We'll post some pictures of the nursery once we get it painted and decorated.


Amber said...

YEAH!!!!! Boys are so much fun and I think easier! (I've only had a boy but I have nieces so I know!) I can't wait to see the nursery and him!

Melanie said...

Congratulations! I've been dying to hear this news!

caitlin said...

We are so excited for you guys! You're the best family.

DJ's Nook said...

Yeah!!! We are so happy for you guys.

Jenessa said...

Congrats, Katy! You'll be such an awesome mommy to your baby boy:)

Emily said...

In response to your post below, I thought for sure you were having a girl, but I'm so excited that your having a boy!