Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Things I used to do...

I used to keep my house clean. I couldn't stand if dishes were there, and if the fridge wasn't organized. If you saw my house now, you wouldn't believe that.

I used to like to get up in the morning and shower. Now all I want to do is sleep, so showering is not fun for me anymore and don't even think about me doing my hair. Pony tail works best at this point.

I used to vacuum at least 2 times a week. You are lucky if I do that even once every couple weeks, or even 1 time a month. Its that bad!

I used to love to come home from work and relax with my favorite shows that were on my DVR. Now, I don't even bother recording half of them because I wont watch them. I go straight to bed.

I used to text... ALL THE TIME. Now, its just too much energy. several friends can attest to that, as I don't respond very often. (sorry, Jenn :( )

I used to eat a jar of pickles.. like on a daily basis. I have passed that that part of the pregnancy though. I am sure Steve thanks me for this. Its nice to not have a wife that smells like pickles all the time, I am sure of that.

I used to hang out with friends. Now I am not sure what that even means. Its been too long.

What do I do in place of all the things I "used" to do? SLEEP!!! and I really, really love it!! I am sure I am a bore to Steve and many other people because of it, but its my happy place. Bed, I can't wait to see you tonight! meet you at 7pm?!


Sarah said...

Enjoy it now - sleep is about to become one of those things you used to do! :)

Amber said...
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caitlin said...

I feel like that now, and I'm not even pregnant! I miss you, and am excited to see you tomorrow! (In pink!)