We're in need of help from all the experienced mommies & daddies out there. If you wouldn't mind taking a second to list the TOP 5 things that you couldn't live without as parents (including brand names & specifics if available). Besides the crib & chair we really don't have many ideas as far as shopping and registering goes. First baby shower is in about 6 weeks and we're realizing it's time to start thinking of this stuff.
Thanks in advance!
I'm going to write you a whole email about some of my favorite stuff... :)
I loved having, the chair highchair but would also loved to have an actual highchair, a baby carrier, jogging stroller, o and I LOVED that everyone at one of my showers was to also bring a bag of diapers.. that helped out soooo much! For me Kayson only recently started using his crib so I wish I had the playpen with the bassinet attachment :) hope that helps a little..
Oh, PS I wish I had a bigger diaper bag :)
1. Get a solid crib, one that doesn't have drop sides. We have the Davinci brand and purchased it from Amazon (huge selection and possible free shipping).
2. A big diaper bag is great, especially if you tend to over-pack, like I do. :)
3. We couldn't live without big picture books (small amount of words, big pics from him to see)...Emerson LOVES them!
4. We have found that Wal-Mart brand diapers work just as well as Pampers or Huggies...so just STOCK UP! You go through them so fast.
5. A playmate is essential for us. Anything that has bars for toys to hang down, like this...
I hope this list is helpful. I am so excited for you guys! Boys are AWESOME!
Diapers I would do costco Kirkland brand. But they don't have new borns, so to start I liked pampers. Couldn't stand huggies.
You know what... I could go on forever. Come to visit us in our new place and I will do a list and a walkthrough with ya.
My sister had me do a list of wants and needs. We registered for everything all wants and needs and then after all the showers we got the rest of the needs and then depending on our budget and when the baby would be old enough to use some of the wants we got SOME of the wants. It was really helpful.
Only Top 5, hmm?
1. Costco Wipes. They smell good but not fragranty and don't shed on bums.
2. Huggies Diapers. They fit the best. And be aware that little boys will pee through everything for the first 2 months. It's not your diapers, they just do it.
3. Fisher Price Little Lamb Swing. Conner slept in it for the first 3-4 months. And remember to stock up on batteries for when it dies!
4. Eucerin Lotion. Conner has sensitive skin so it's great for him. It doesn't smell and isn't greasy.
5. Eddie Bauer Highchair Seat. The colors are neutral and I like the highchair seats better than actual highchairs. They don't take up as much room and clip onto any seat.
Good luck with registering!
Katy, I am so excited your having a boy.
I don't know the brand names of my favorite things, but I think they are essential.
1. play n pack with an attachment of a bassinet. That is so they sleep higher up. That is what our babies slept in while in our room.
2. a swing. Sometimes my babies slept the best in the swings. (maybe cuz they were propped up a bit.
3. I loved the stroller travel systems, but now for this next one I am looking for a single jogger stroller. I have actually seen a couple that have the car seat attachment. I dont know how well they work though.
4. When they get older an excer saucer. The thing they sit in and can twist in a circle and play with a bunch of toys that are attached.
5. Diapers. You may have to try different brands that work for you. Huggies after the newborn stage didn't work for me. They leaked all the time. Luvs brand I loved.
6. Costco wipes are the best.
7. I also liked about bouncey chair. it was nice when you started feeding them solids and not sitting up yet to feed them in the bouncey seat.
I'll think of more and let you know.
Enjoy your time being pregnant.
1. Pampers Swaddlers diapers for newborns. THE BEST! As far as after newborn, we've tried every brand you can think of and the only one we haven't liked are Luv's.
2. The Boppy Pillow. This is one thing I didn't have that I wished I had, and will get for my next. They are so great for so many things.
3. A swing and/or bouncy/vibrating chair. We had the playpen with the bassinet attachment, but Ben would only sleep in his bouncy chair for the first few months.
4. Cloth diapers to use as burp cloths! They just work the best.
5. A car seat that doubles as a carrier and attaches to a stroller. They are so convenient!
Sorry I'm not specific on the brands for strollers and swings and such, but it's kind of to each his own. I think you'll find stuff you like pretty easy. Good luck!
#8. SWING!!!!!!!
OK Ok and a vibrating chair, changing table, bike/jogging stroller, V-tech walker, oh and I found Walmart diapers work just as well as the Huggies I bought at Costco, Hmmm... what else oh yeah a breast pump!!!!!!
Hey changed my mind about the V-tech walker. Although I LOVE it I couldn't live without my excersaucer! Have fun registering!
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